
Training for Insolvency Administrators

The fundamental objective of insolvency training is to offer a comprehensive educational set of information not only about insolvency laws, or insolvency proceedings as such, but also about related issues (impact on tax law, economic aspects of bankruptcy, etc.).

The main benefit of the concept of harmonised insolvency administrator training will be the ongoing long-term training and provision of information, in particular in response to changes in legal regulations, development of European Union law, development of case law, etc. A secondary benefit of the project is the expected structured feedback about evaluation and current state of knowledge of insolvency law across the body of industry professionals, and its redistribution to other groups, but, above all, with professional contributions to the organisational and legislative process.

The Association of Insolvency Administrators is implementing the harmonised education project in association with the Czech Ministry of Justice, the Czech Bar Association, the Czech Banking Union, and the Czech Union of Judges.