Main Figures of the Association of Insolvency Administrators
JUDr. Michal Žižlavský
Chairman of the Expert Council
Area of work in the ASIS: External Relations – Specialised Issues
A member of the Legislative Council of the Government, chairman of a specialised Section of the Czech Bar Association for Insolvency Law, and member of the Board of the Czech Bar Association. He has led his own law firm ŽIŽLAVSKÝ since 1991. He also worked as a judge for several years. He has been involved in the judicial reorganisation of large enterprises pursuant to the new legal regulation. He focuses on company restructuring, corporate insolvency law, and representation of creditors before courts of all levels.
Vision of the ASIS:“The Association makes sense if it can provide a high professional standard, ensure that its members carry out their tasks ethically, and create room for rational communication of administrators with regular participants in insolvency proceedings. It is important for insolvency proceedings to be transparent. I consider a central registry of all assets for sale on the Association’s website a priority.”
JUDr. Daniel Ševčík, Ph.D.
ASIS President
Area of work in the ASIS: External Relations – Statutory Area
He has been a barrister and solicitor since 1999, specialising in commercial, civil, bankruptcy, and insolvency law. In his work, he has acquired practical experience as legal counsel, arbitrator, and bankruptcy and insolvency administrator.
Vision of the ASIS:
“In my work for the Association, I will focus on ensuring that it is a respected partner in insolvency law. I will also strive for ASIS members to be assigned tasks that correspond to their professional qualifications.”
Mgr. Adam Sigmund
Area of work in the ASIS: International Relations
He is a member of the specialised Section of the Czech Bar Association for Insolvency Law. He is practicing law as a partner at ŽIŽLAVSKÝ law office. He is an insolvency administrator with a special permit. He has gained experience with large insolvency proceedings with an international dimension, involving countries in the European Union and beyond. He focuses on corporate restructuring, corporate insolvency law, and representation before courts of all levels.
Vision of the ASIS:
“I wish that in the future, the ASIS be an association of qualified insolvency administrators with moral integrity whose membership will be a guarantee of their undeniable qualities. The association should provide maximum professional, educational, and legislative support to its members, including with respect to foreign partners.”
JUDr. Ivan Juřena
Area of work in the ASIS: Insolvency Case Law
He has worked as a barrister and solicitor since 1988, focusing on commercial and criminal law. He works as an insolvency administrator.
Vision of the ASIS:
”I see the main purpose of the ASIS in creating a platform for communication among all entities that have an impact on bankruptcy laws and on the actual course of insolvency proceedings.”
JUDr. Pavel Berger
Area of work in the ASIS: Insolvency Legislation
A member of the Section of the Czech Bar Association for Insolvency Law, has been working in the legal profession since 1989 and has run his own law-firm since 1994. Previously, he worked as a bankruptcy administrator for a long time and currently, he is registered as an insolvency administrator.
His Vision of the ASIS:
“In my work for the Association, I would like to contribute to the development of a professional organisation of insolvency administrators that will provide its members with a professional environment and a discussion platform and will help harmonise insolvency administrator practices and advance the interests of insolvency administrators.”
JUDr. Kateřina Martínková
Area of work in the ASIS: Insurance of Insolvency Administrators
She has been practicing law since 1989, and has been a barrister and solicitor since 1994. She specialises in commercial and bankruptcy law. She has worked in the field of bankruptcy law intensively since 1994 when she started to work as a bankruptcy administrator. Currently, she works as insolvency administrator with a special permit.
Vision of the ASIS:
“The ASIS should be active in providing professional education to insolvency administrators and it should also raise awareness about the insolvency process and law among the broader group of professionals involved in the field. The ASIS’s long-term objective should be to create a single professional organisation in the Czech Republic that will serve as a self-governing body of insolvency administrators and protect and guarantee the performance of the work of insolvency administrators.”
Mgr. Jiří Šebesta
Area of work in the ASIS: Remuneration of Insolvency Administrators
He is a member of the Section of the Czech Bar Association for Insolvency Law and a member of the Bar Association’s examination committee for insolvency administrator examinations. He has been a member of the Czech Bar Association since 1999. Since that year, he has also been registered on the list of bankruptcy administrators and has worked as bankruptcy administrator. Since 2009, he has been entitled to work as an insolvency administrator. He provides legal services primarily in bankruptcy and insolvency law, as well as in commercial and civil law.
Vision of the ASIS:
“In the Association, I am interested in furthering my knowledge and applying it to make the organisation fully professional and to share the information acquired in practice with others – as it is practice that implements a law.”
JUDr. Petr Michal, Ph.D.
Je společníkem v kanceláři CÍSAŘ, ČEŠKA, SMUTNÝ s.r.o. Od roku 2013 je členem představenstva Hospodářské komory České republiky. Vede právní týmy svých specializací a zajišťuje poskytování kompletního právního servisu strategickým klientům, rovněž vykonává činnost insolvenčního správce. Nejprve jako samostatný správce a zároveň člen sekce pro insolvenční právo České advokátní komory. Dnes je společníkem Administrace insolvencí CITY TOWER v.o.s. Jeho činnost je zaměřena na řešení náročnějších konkursů. Petr Michal se věnuje i publikační činnosti a je lektorem na odborných konferencích.
Vize ASIS: „Chci přispět k tomu, aby ASIS získala pozici nezpochybnitelného garanta a ochránce kvality výkonu funkce insolvenčního správce. ASIS musí být vnímána jako silný partner v diskusi s věřiteli, dlužníky, ale i se soudy a politickou reprezentací.“
Ing. Romana Nováková
Oblast působení v ASIS: legislativní činnost a ekonomika
Je insolvenčním správcem již od roku 2008, kdy také začala vykonávat svou praxi. V témže roce se stala členem Asociace insolvenčních správců a členem Sekce České advokátní komory pro insolvenční právo. Současně se ve spolupráci s Ministerstvem spravedlnosti podílela na přípravě testových otázek ke zkouškám insolvenčních správců v oblasti pracovního práva. Od roku 2007 je členem Komory daňových poradců České republiky a zároveň je zapsaná také v evropském seznamu daňových poradců. Při Komoře daňových poradců ČR působí v pracovní skupině pro insolvenční právo.
Vize ASIS: „Svou činnost v ASIS chci zaměřit hlavně na vybudování a zkvalitnění provázanosti úpadkového práva a daňových a souvisejících zákonů, a snahu o narovnání existujících rozporů mezi těmito oblastmi. ASIS by měla v rámci legislativy úpadkového práva kooperovat nejen s Ministerstvem spravedlnosti, ale také s Ministerstvem financí, a to vše s cílem posílení a zkvalitnění výkonu funkce každého insolvenčního správce.“